Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Friday 26 November 2010

The Music Video So Far

We have now almost finished the intro section for the video and we'll be filming the narrative part of the video on Monday or Tuesday. This is a screen grab of what we did today.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Our Music Video So Far

Website Update

This is what we have done so far on the website. We have added a login option and news posts, as well as the tour dates and various layout changes. We feel that the website is coming on well and that it looks good and reflects the band's image.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Website Update

This is our website so far. We changed the design slightly as we feel this looks more suitable to the band's style and draws the attention of the target audience. We decided to design the website in Photoshop rather than iMovie as it gives us more freedom over the desired look that we had hoped to achieve which would have been harder to realise in iWeb.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Website Design So Far

Permission Forms

These are all the permission forms and shooting calendars/schedules from our folder. We will be doing our first shoot on Saturday and it will be from around 10am-4pm. We hope to shoot everything in this time, but if there are things we need to re-shoot we can always go back and do the shots again.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Cover Research 5-It Prevails

   The cover of It Prevails 'Capture and Embrace' is approptriat for there genre of Hard Rock because you see the side of the cilf crumbling and the background becoming darker. Dark and synyster things are normally associated with Hard Rock and Metal. Throughout the Digipak the pictures of that clif side and field are repeated. Along with the pictures the the main logo and text style is also repeated on every part of the cd so it really sticks in your head! This cd would stand out from any other cd for its immense use of colour and effects so it would be helping the band to become more well known with its eye catching Digipak.

Cover Research 4-The Mercury Men

   The Mercury Men's album cover follows the genre of folk/rock with a prainted arty picture on the front, its obvious that this band isnt botherd about there image and that they only care about the music. The cds layout is very simple with pictures of the band looking chilled and text following the theme of the dark red background, this creates a warm effect and a understanding that this is a nice slow band with songs you can chill out to.

Cover Research 3-Blink 182

   The Blink 182 'Take of Your Pants and Jacket' album is very appropriat to the Punk Pop genre, its silly pictures along with the lyrics in the inside sleeve give you a idea of what this band is all about. The cover is mainly back with a repeated pattern of there album logo along with there name. The main layout is the same for everything apart from the back cover which is plain white with a promotional picture of the band and the tracklist. This lets you see whos that band are and what they look like. Both the image and style sell this band because most of the fans could relate to the members because they look like there target aduience.

George's Summer Homework

Pitch Powerpoint

Rob's Summer Homework

This is some research I did before I knew which group I would be working in. I did it on the band Kid British to see how their videos appealed to their target audience and how they have evolved over time. It doesn't have much to do with our music video for "In My Way" but I thought I would put it on here as evidence of research.

Website Analysis and Research 5 - Foo Fighters

Very little representation of band is used on the homepage for the Foo Fighter's website as has no band logo or even the band's name. It has links to the band's news, videos, tour dates, Twitter, fan space, FaceBook, merchandise, biography, their music and a discussion board. The band use no advertisment to third party websites but do you social networking websites to promote the band and increase their fanbase. The simple picture of the band's instruments and equipment in a typical garage lets the target audience of teenagers and early twenties relate to having their own band and promoting idea that the target audience can be like them. The font is simple and the link based layout is a bit confusing and doesn't appeal to me as a homepage for the band as it doesn't give any images of the band at all.

Cover Research 2-Foo Fighters

   As Foo Fighters are a typical rock band this artwork fits well for there genre. Everything about this cd is simple the artwork, colours and font. The image on the front relates more to the album title 'The Colour and the Shape' than the rock genre. The colours that are used do have a good effect on the eye, the dark blue, grey and bright red stand out even though its simple. The text is used so that everyone knows that this is a Foo Fighters album because of the big Logo/Font in the middle of the cover. This cd cover isnt the most eye catching cover but because of how well known the band is anything thing they do would be remembered.

Website Analysis and Research 4 - Red Hot Chili Peppers

The homepage includes the band's logo in the top left corner and an image from their most recently released album as the main image for the homepage though it does not actually include any images of the band. The homepage includes very little written content and only has links to their news, community, tickets, exclusives, their discography and the band's merchandise. The font for the links is simple and easy to read but the band name and album name are harder for the audience to decipher. The layout is very simple with only one image and a list of links to other parts of the website. Only advertisement is to a fund to donate to the Silverlake Conservation of Music trust. I do not particularly like this homepage as it gives very little image of the band or what they are like and instead just gives promotion of their latest album, caring more about promotion than the band itself.

Website Analysis and Research 3 - Nirvana

Band logo and images of the and are used through out with pictures of artwork from band's albums and releases as the band finished from 1993. Dark colours and predominate use of purple relate to grunge/alternative rock genre with images of teenagers used in some parts relating to target audience of teenagers and those in early twenties. Only links to discography, news and store used on the band's homepage not using social networking websites or other blog sites as the band are no longer together due to the death of Kurt Cobain the lead singer in 1993. Layout is simple with only one column with information of the band's work and various releases celebrating anniversaries of their achievements. No advertisments used on the homepage and the written style is factual and fairly formal mainly just giving facts and quotes to give an opinion of the band.

Website Analysis and Research 2 - Radiohead

The homepage for Radiohead uses band's name at the top but no use of logo. This homepage is very different from most bands as it is more of an archive of what the band complies like a blog rather than showing off about the band. It uses no images of the band on the homepage and goes with conventions of alternative rock with very plain and simple design caring more about the music than the band's image. It has links to the band's merchandise, videos, tour tickets and tour dates rather than using third party websites  such as social networking website in an attempt to keep the band's image their own and not manufactured. Font is simple with the layout being in columns with all information easily accessable and easy to read. No adverts used on the website due to Radiohead's strong opinions on the way they market their music through their own means rather than through advertisement.


In our music video we will use a variety of shots and angles. The storyboard will help us when we are shooting and editing our music video to ensure we are shooting the right material and editing it in the right place. It also helped us to develop our original idea and to give it structure. We wrote the storyboard in class and then Gabe finished it at home.

Website Analysis and Research 1 - Blink 182

Band's name and logo are used at the very top of the homepage and a simple picture of the band together without the instruments below the header of the page. Convention to pop-punk genre as fairly simple design with a relatively dark colour scheme using mainly black and grey. There are also links to websites such as FaceBook and MySpace on the homepage giving importance to follow the band via social networking websites. Punk style mood is reflected in the style and colour scheme and draws in the target audience of teenagers and adults in early twenties. Written content is all about the band's news and various videos showing what the band has been doing recently to draw the attention of the viewer. Simple font and layout reinforce the 'ordinary' idea of the band. Very little advertisement on the homepage apart from the links to 'become a fan' of Blink 182 on third party websites.

Advanced Portfolio: Band Webpage and Digipak Design Template

On our website we will reflect the band's rock style by using grunge fonts and a grunge logo. The background will be patches sewn together to reflect the raw and basic side of the band. We feel these attributes will appeal to the band's target audience. There are also links at the bottom of the page to Facebook/Twitter etc. so the fans can follow the band and read the most recent news. The home page of the website will contain news about the band and upcoming gigs.

Digipak Cover Research
The cover art for our digipak will be of a long road which stretches into the horizon. The land surrounding the road will be baron and without life. This is to reflect the theme of the song, in that it is a struggle to go to sleep/struggle to keep walking down the long road. It is 'in his way' between him and what he wants. The logo of the band will be at the top of the cover with the title of the single written underneath.

The back of the digipak will be simple, as the road on the cover art is surrounding by baron landscape, we feel that if there is a lot on the back cover it will not fit in with the theme. It will contain the tracklist, including the music video which we are making for "In My Way". The back cover will also include the MySpace address for Alaska's band profile and the logo for their record label "Hit And Run Records".

Inside will be a booklet and a photo of the band with the lyrics printed underneath. The overall colour scheme will be dark and the photo of the band will reflect their rock influences. The lyrics will be included so that the people who buy the CD can read and interpret the song how they want to, but can also understand the theme of insomnia. The picture on the actual CD will be simple, with just the band's logo and "In My Way" written underneath.